A Word About Late Work

As of February 10, any work that is considered "classwork" (to be completed in class) will not be accepted late. If it is not turned in when it is due (during class), it will be a zero.

Friday, December 12, 2008

12 December: F451 Day 4

  1. Propaganda Project progress check and Propaganda techniques practice. Students answered questions concerning their progress on the propaganda ad project assigned last class. They also identified propaganda techniques used in magazine ads and were given an example of an original product and ad. The example below (product = Christmas decorations) uses "bandwagon" ("don't be the only one to miss out). A picture of happy children emptying stockings would employ the technique of "transfer." A picture of a celebrity decorating a tree with the ornaments would employ the technique of "testimonial."
  2. "Get into My Head" graphic organizer for character thoughts and feelings. As students read, they will fill in the heads (below) with characters' thoughts and feelings. Quotes are not needed. They can put these in their own words.
  3. Students finished reading Assignment #1 (through "put a stop to his plan" on page 32). Study questions should be answered to prepare for a quiz on Tuesday, December 16. Vocabulary will also be on the quiz.
  4. Post-reading questions:
    **What did you learn about the hound?
    **What are the schools like? Pros? Cons?
    **What is the “past” like?
  5. Students had the rest of class to finish vocabulary homework assigned last class and answer study questions.

HOMEWORK: Work on Propaganda Ad assignment. Prepare for quiz.

Propaganda Ad suggestion: Your product could be a food that is popular during the holidays. Prepare the food and bring it to class on December 18.

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