A Word About Late Work

As of February 10, any work that is considered "classwork" (to be completed in class) will not be accepted late. If it is not turned in when it is due (during class), it will be a zero.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

June 1 - Peep Shows Presented


1. Turned in Othello vocabulary
2. Presented Peep Shows
3. Presented Make-up Research Presentations
4. Julius Caesar Test Assessment

Make-up Presentations:
•If the presentation wasn't saved to the “Turn in Work Here” folder on the y-drive, students lost the opportunity to present their PowerPoint. Flash drives are not accepted. The assignment was to turn the presentation into the assigned folder.
•If this is the case, they need to save their PowerPoint to that folder, and Mrs. Woodliff will grade it later. They will not receive points for presenting, but you will receive points for the PowerPoint itself (which was the bulk of the grade.)

Julius Caesar Test Assessment/Correction Intructions (Graded scantrons and a handout with test items were given to students. These were due at the end of class. Students will receive 1/4 of a point per point missed for completing this assessment/correction assignment)
•On a separate sheet of paper, answer the following questions (assuming you studied)
–1) How did you study vocabulary?
–2) How did you study quotes?
–3) How did you study characters?
–4) How did you study for questions 1-42 on the review sheet?
•On the handout, highlight numbers you missed.
•Re-define the vocabulary words. (Yes, that means to look them up again and write them again.) Quotes: #26-39
•Who is speaking these lines?
•What do they mean? What is the speaker talking about?
•Why was the speaker saying them? To whom was the speaker talking?
Character Descriptions (#40-49)
•For each character you missed, write
–his/her name
–3 ways to describe him/her
–1) killed by his friend
–2) ambitious
–3) deaf in one ear

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