A Word About Late Work

As of February 10, any work that is considered "classwork" (to be completed in class) will not be accepted late. If it is not turned in when it is due (during class), it will be a zero.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

21 October: Sundiata Essay

  1. Information was provided to students via PowerPoint about specific parts and details of their essay.
  2. Students had time to work on their rough drafts.

Introduction: Sentence 1 = HOOK

  • The hook gets the reader’s attention. This does NOT mean saying "Hey, reader, I’m going to tell you…"
  • This is a sentence that makes your essay seem interesting. You have to make the reader WANT to read your essay.
  • State an opinion related to your thesis.
  • Create a visual image that represents your subject.
  • Define a word central to your subject.

Introduction: Thesis Statement

  • Last sentence in the introduction.
  • 1 sentence stating the central idea of your essay.
  • What is your main goal?
  • What should be included in the sentence?
  • Title of story (Sundiata or Sundiata. Why italicized/underlined instead of in quotation marks?)
  • Something about the movie being a heroic quest, journey or something like this.
    Very basic example: The African epic Sundiata is a heroic quest story.
    Example: The story of Sundiata is about a journey taken by the hero Sundiata to save his country.

Body Paragraph 1: Topic = stages 1 & 2

  • Topic sentence should include
    1)Call to adventure
  • Detail sentences (RENNS)
    Tell specifically what the call to adventure is.
    Give details about Sundiata’s toolkit (what helped him to defeat Soumaoro?)

Body Paragraph 2:Topic = stages 3, 4, and 5

  • Topic sentence should include:
    Monstrous world
    Tests and trials
    Supreme ordeal
    Example: On his quest to save Mali from the evil sorcerer Saumaoro, Sundiata must brave many obstacles.
  • Details (RENNS)
    Give specific details about the obstacles (tests and trials)

Body Paragraph 3:Topic = stages 6 & 7 (reward & recognition)

  • Topic sentence should include:
    1) Reward = peace in the land
    2) Recognition = master of the world
    All is well in Mali after Sundiata defeats Saumaoro.
    After Sundiata defeats Saumaoro, peace is restored to the land and he becomes the master of the world.
  • Details (RENNS)
    Give specific details about the reward and return.

Conclusion: Thesis restated Do NOT copy and paste your thesis from the introduction.
RESTATE (rephrase) it.

Conclusion: final statement about the story: You may want to add your thoughts about the story, characters, quest, etc.

Conclusion: insightful thought

  • Give the reader something to think about without writing "You should think about…"
  • This shouldn’t be about the story itself, but about the theme of the story.
  • You may want to:
    Give a symbolic or powerful fact or other detail or
    Strike a note of hope

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