A Word About Late Work

As of February 10, any work that is considered "classwork" (to be completed in class) will not be accepted late. If it is not turned in when it is due (during class), it will be a zero.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

23 October: Commas & Vocabulary Practice

  1. Turn in essays. Staple the final draft to the top. Rough draft in between. Prewriting (green packet) goes at the back.
  2. Journal
  3. Comma Uses #2 & 3
  4. Vocabulary Practice & Review (A-D)

Journal - "Change" If you could change 1 thing about your high school, what would it be and why? Give specific details. 1000 word minimum.

Comma Uses: #2 & 3

#2 To set off most introductory elements, including subordinate conjunctions.
First, what are subordinate conjunctions? They join subordinate or dependent clauses to main/independent clauses. (Ex: after, although, as, because, before, even though, if, since, though, unless, ntil, when, whenever, where, while)

  • Example using an introductory word
    First, I would like to thank my family for supporting me.
    Later, they went to the movies.
  • Example using an introductory phrase
    First of all, I would like to thank my family for supporting me.
    After eating dinner, they saw a movie.
  • Example using an introductory (subordinate) clause. These are called COMPLEX SENTENCES
    When he won an academy award, he thanked his family first.
    After we ate dinner, we saw a movie.
  • When a sentence starts with the independent clause, you don’t use a comma.
    When he won an academy award, he thanked his family first. versus He thanked his family first when he won an academy award.
    After we ate dinner, we saw a movie. versus We saw a movie after we ate dinner.

Comma Use #3 between items in a series

  • Example: I am studying history, geometry, chemistry, and language arts.
  • This comma isn't always necessary, but you should be consistent with its usage.
  • This is also correct:I am studying history, geometry, chemistry and language arts.
  • When it’s important to put a comma before "and"
    Example: She enjoys dining out, long hikes in the woods, holding hands and playing the guitar. It doesn't make sense to "hold hands and play the guitar" - these need to be separated by a comma.
  • When in doubt, USE THE COMMA!

Vocabulary Practice:

(A) Vocabulary with introductory elements of sentences (7 sentences total)
Write a complex sentence using the following vocabulary words and subordinate conjunctions.
Vocab words: philosophy, educate, precocious, institute, hypocrisy, martyr, corpulent
Subordinate conjunctions: after, because, before, if, since, when, while

(B) Make a cinquain for the following nouns:

(C) Make an acrostic for the following words:

(D) Find at least 4 pictures to represent the following words:

There will be a vocabulary test on Wednesday, October 29!

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