A Word About Late Work

As of February 10, any work that is considered "classwork" (to be completed in class) will not be accepted late. If it is not turned in when it is due (during class), it will be a zero.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

17 Feb: Metaphors, Chevrefoil

  1. JOURNAL: "Love Story" Think of all the love stories that you have read, seen on television or at the movies, or heard about.
    1.Jot down the features of these love stories.
    2.Are they happy or tragic?
    3.Do the lovers die or do they live “happily ever after”?
    4.Give specific examples.
  2. List/Create metaphors:
    •List as many metaphors as you can think of, or make
    •Look around the room.
    •Can you compare these objects to other concepts? Love? Freedom? Peace? Etc.
  3. "Life is a Highway" Rascal Flatts song.
    •Identify similes, metaphors, and other figurative language (words & phrases that aren’t meant to be taken literally) that support the metaphor “Life is a Highway.”
    •Add your own ideas that support “Life is a Highway." You must have at least 5.
  4. "Chevrefoil" by Marie de France. Read page 715 to find the answer to the following:
    *Why does "an atmosphere of mystery" surround Marie de France?
    *Why is it concluded that Marie was a noble? Be specific.
    *How were Marie’s lais different than other literature during her time? (3 reasons)
    *Renaissance means "rebirth." Describe the "Renaissance of the Twelfth Century."
    *If there were a "Renaissance of the Twenty-First Century" that started during your lifetime, what would you want it to be a rebirth of. Explain in at least 2 sentences.
    *Contemporary: What does it mean?
    "Chevrefoil" (page 716)
    *What does this word mean in French?
    *Who is it about?
    *Summarize the story of these two lovers.
    *What moment in their lives is "Chevrefoil" about?
    Extended Metaphor (Packet page 8) A metaphor that is developed over several lines of writing or throughout an entire work. ("Life is a Highway" – the song gives details that develop this metaphor.)
    Conflict – a struggle or clash between opposing characters, forces, or emotions.
    What is the extended metaphor found in "Chevrefoil"?
  5. We read the poem "Chevrefoil" on pages 717-719.
  6. HOMEWORK: re-read the poem. Answer questions on pages 8 & 9 of packet.

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