A Word About Late Work

As of February 10, any work that is considered "classwork" (to be completed in class) will not be accepted late. If it is not turned in when it is due (during class), it will be a zero.

Monday, February 23, 2009

23 February: Frame Story, Wife of Bath Vocab

  1. Journal: "What Women Want"
    Write 2 paragraphs explaining what you think women want.

  2. Frame Story (handout): Due Friday, February 27
    1) Write a short story. Put your story inside the frame.
    2) Group or individual: create a frame that will hold multiple stories. Explain this frame in at least 3 sentences. Write the sentences around the frame that holds your story.
    Take 10 minutes to brainstorm your individual story on the back. Use the 5 bullets. Below is an example of your assignment using the Decameron. "The Tale of the Falcon" would be your individual story. The bigger story of the 10 people fleeing the plague and going to the country where they tell stories would be the story your group develops that will bind your individual ones.

  3. "The Wife of Bath's Tale" Vocabulary
    •Use the glossary in your textbook or a dictionary to define the words in Part A.
    •Part B) example
    –What do the 3 words “putrefy, acrid, and rank” have in common?
    •First, find 2 words that have something in common. Then see if you can find another word that will fit with those 2.

  4. Second example: •First: What do the words “purge” and “extort” have in common? •Next: How might “disperse” have something in common with those words?
    •Purge – v. to cleanse of impurities; to clear away or out. (when someone purges what he ate, he throws it up or gets it out of his stomach)
    •Extort – v. to get money or goods by threats or violence. (when someone extorts money, they illegally get money from someone)
    What do these 2 words have in common?
    •Disperse – v. to break up and scatter; distribute widely (When the police disperse a rowdy crowd, they spread them out from the big group they were in. They get them out of the mob or riot.)
    What do all 3 of these words have in common?

  5. DUE NEXT CLASS: Metaphor Graffiti project

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