A Word About Late Work

As of February 10, any work that is considered "classwork" (to be completed in class) will not be accepted late. If it is not turned in when it is due (during class), it will be a zero.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Last minute Review & Practice

Acts I & II Additional Review -
Try answering questions on these quizzes that pertain to Acts I & II.

Gradesaver Quiz
SparkNotes Quiz
CliffsNotes Quiz

Don't forget about this video:

Here is another brief video of the conspirator's making plans at Brutus'.

Vocabulary Practice

  1. The preacher made his way to the pulpit when it was time to give the sermon.

  2. The people of Rome are fickle. One day they were on Pompey’s side; a few days later they were cheering for Caesar.

  3. Calpurnia had a dream that Decius construed in a way get Caesar to go to the Capitol rather than stay home like Calpurnia wanted.

  4. Cassius and Caesar were accoutered when they were swimming in the Tiber. Why would this make swimming difficult?

  5. Calpurnia believed that her dream and the wicked occurrences of the night were portentous signs that foreshadowing something bad happening to her husband.

  6. When creating a word web, all words in the web will appertain to each other.

CINQUAINS - line 1 is filled in with a vocabulary word. Line 5 should be filled in with a synonym of the vocabulary word or a word that sums up the word.
mental, thoughtful
thinking, pondering, wondering
it’s in my head

scary, evil
warning, foreshadowing, threatening
sign of the future

friendly, well-liked
giving, caring, understanding
he’s easy to approach
wise, psychic
interpreting, construing, knowing
we found no heart

jealous, green-eyed
coveting, wanting, desiring
wanting to be him

determined, driven
striving, motivating, obsessing
the ladder of success

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